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The Clerical Society of the Most Holy Trinity of Mirinae


1) General Introduction


The Clerical Society of the Most Holy Trinity of Mirinae, founded by Rev. Francis Xavier Tjyeng Haengman (November 19, 1917 ~ June 6, 2004), is a religious institute of the Catholic Church leading a life which fully includes both contemplation and apostolic action, and it has a special Charism called "Vocation of Chastity." On March 19th 1991, the Society was established by the Decree from the Diocese of Suwon in South Korea.


Rev. Francis Xavier Tjyeng founded not only the Male Society but also "Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary of Mirinae" "Sisters of St. Joseph's Charity of Mirinae" and "the Third Order".



1) History of Foundation


The Clerical Society of the Most Holy Trinity was founded on July 5, 1962 as a religious community named “Family of Rev. Tjyeng” by Rev. Francis Xavier Tjyeng at the Bulodong orchard in Daegu with the approval of the Bishop of John Seo of Daegu Diocese. The Society has moved to the shrine “Mirinae”, on September 24, 1976 with the approval of the Bishop of Suwon Diocese. The Society received “nihil obstat”(which means NO OBSTACLE) from the Holy See on January 22, 1991, and the Society was formally established by the Decree of Erection of the diocesan Bishop of Suwon as a diocesan Institute on March 19, 1991.

2) Missions: Apostolic activity


According to the teaching of Christ(Mark 16,15), our religious brothers work in many apostolic activities: there are professors in the seminary, spiritual directors in retreat houses, religious educators for the faithful in order to help their spiritual life, pastors for not only in the Church of Korea but also to the Korean communities in Canada, and USA. Our brothers also do the mission in the Holy Land for pilgrims, and charity for the people in Malaysia. Besides this we are running sculpture studio for Church art, managing of the Hospital of the Most Holy Trinity with 300 beds, and working in several agriculture farms.



3) Spirituality


Under the motto "To the Most Holy Trinity through the Immaculate Heart of Mary", the Society pursues both contemplation and apostolic activity. It aims at recognizing the presence of the Most Holy Trinity. Consciousness of living with Most Holy Trinity is the special sign of Spirituality of the Society.


The Founder, Rev. Francis Xavier Tjyeng states that the Charism of the Society is: "Vocation to Chastity" and "Vocation of Obedience".

a) "Vocation to Chastity"

The Vocation to Chastity means: although the present society enjoys much material abundance through the remarkable development of human ability and culture, God is not respected and honored properly due to excessive secularism. This comes from uncontrolled emotion and without interior purification by God. Therefore, human beings can not enjoy true peace and love. The Founder analyses this situation as humanity’s fall into the worship of an emotional idol causing humanity to love money, power, pleasure more than God. In order to overcome this tendency, the Society is to imitate the example of Immaculate Heart of Mary who offered herself to the Most Holy Trinity. It lives in order to make compensation for sinners who need our spiritual help. (Founder has been offering "Holy Hour prayer" every Thursday night for the compensation of the mistakes of his classmates when he was a major seminarian).


b) Vocation of obedience is: To imitate Christ and thus to pursue completely only the will of the Father and to unify with God and the Authority of the Church. In conclusion, the fundamental Charism of Founder Rev. Francis Xavier Tjyeng is God-centered life and a life of Reparation for sinners.



4) Contacts


Address: 21, Misan-1 gil, Yangseong-myeon, Anseong city, Gyeonggi-do 17500 SOUTH KOREA

Tel. +82-31-674-1251 / Fax +82-31-674-1258 /

http://www. mirinae.or.kr

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