The Clerical Society of the Most Holy Trinity of Mirinae
The Founder Rev. Francis Xavier Tjyeng Haengman (November 16, 1917 ~ June 6, 2004)
The Clerical Society of the Most Holy Trinity of Mirinae(SSTM: Societas Religiosa clericalis Sanctissimae Trinitatis de Mirine), complying with the will of the Holy Trinity through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and by leading a religious life of reparation through prayer and sacrifice with the intentions for the repentance of materialists, secularists, peace of the world, peace in the Church, peaceful unification of the homeland, sanctification of the clergy and the religious, and evangelization of the world, leads people to take part in the life of reparation for God's love hurt by human sins. It spares no effort to inspire people to become collaborators of the Lord and to work for God's Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven(Mt 6:10).
The Founder Rev. Francis Xavier Tjyeng Haengman (November 16, 1917 ~ June 6, 2004)
The Clerical Society of the Most Holy Trinity of Mirinae(SSTM: Societas Religiosa clericalis Sanctissimae Trinitatis de Mirine), complying with the will of the Holy Trinity through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and by leading a religious life of reparation through prayer and sacrifice with the intentions for the repentance of materialists, secularists, peace of the world, peace in the Church, peaceful unification of the homeland, sanctification of the clergy and the religious, and evangelization of the world, leads people to take part in the life of reparation for God's love hurt by human sins. It spares no effort to inspire people to become collaborators of the Lord and to work for God's Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven(Mt 6:10).
Missions: Apostolic activity
According to the command of Christ(Mk 16:15), our religious brothers work in many apostolic activities.
Korean community in Canada(Montreal)
Korean community in USA(Oklahoma)
The mission in the Holy Land(Bethlehem) for pilgrims
Charity for the people in Malaysia (Kota Kinabalu)
Religious formation projects(vocation)and pastoral activities(The sisters of St.Joseph's Charity of Mirinae, parish) in Indonesia(Maumere)
Seminary(The formation center) in Korea
Working in several agriculture farms in Korea
Spiritual direction in meditation center in Korea
Sculpture studio for Church art in Korea
Managing of the Hospital of the Most Holy Trinity with 300 beds in Korea
Under the motto "Glory be to the Most Holy Trinity through the Immaculate Heart of Mary", the Society
pursues both contemplation and apostolic activity. It aims at recognizing the presence of the Most Holy Trinity.
Consciousness of living with Most Holy Trinity is the special sign of Spirituality of the Society.
The Founder, Rev. Francis Xavier Tjyeng states that the Charism of the Society is:
"Vocation to Chastity" and "Vocation of Obedience".
1) “Vocation to Chastity”(Matyrdom of emotion)
The Vocation to Chastity means: although the present society enjoys much material abundance through the
remarkable development of human ability and culture, God is not respected and honored properly due to excessive secularism.
This comes from uncontrolled emotion and without interior purification by God.
Therefore, human beings can not enjoy true peace and love. The Founder analyses this situation as humanity’s fall
into the worship of an emotional idol causing humanity to love money, power, pleasure more than God.
In order to overcome this tendency, the Congregation is to imitate the example of Immaculate Heart of Mary
who offered herself to the Most Holy Trinity. It lives in order to make compensation for sinners who need our spiritual help.
(Founder has been offering "Holy Hour prayer" every Thursday night for the compensation of
the mistakes of his classmates when he was a major seminarian).
Lord Jesus Christ, on the night before You were crucified for the sake of the whole human race,
You prayed in agony in the garden of Gethsemane and Your sweat became as drops of blood.
Many sins of artifical birth control are being committed by the present generation,and are bringing
pain to Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
We wish to make reparation for these sins by offering throughout this nignt, the special prayers of the Holy Hour.
Forgive the sins of the human race. Grant peace to the world, peace to
Your Church, peace and unification to our nation.
We especially beseech You to enlighten the conscience of the faithful, so that they keep the number of vocations to
the clerical and the vowed religious life from decreasing and by give birth to more sons and daughters into the world. Aman.
Imprimatur(April 1, 1983) Bishop Angelo N.Kim
2) The Vocation of obedience is:
To imitate Christ and thus to pursue completely only the will of the Father and to unify with God
and the Authority of the Church. In conclusion, the fundamental Charism of Founder Rev.
Francis Xavier Tjyeng is God-centered life and a life of Reparation for sinners.
Inter - decade Prayer for Peace of the Rosary
V. Lord Jesus Christ, forgive our sins, take care of the pagans for the peace of our
nation and lead the evil minds among them who persecute Lord God on to the just path,
redeem communistic nations for the peace of the world. Sacred Heart of Lord Jesus
Christ, Immaculate Heart of Virgin Mary, make our hearts like the Heart of our Lord.
R. Grant that there may be no sinner in this world who is not converted and tolerate
our prayers offered with distraction.The most Sacred Heart of Lord Jesus Christ,
the most Immaculate Heart of Virgin Mary, make our hearts fervent.
Imprimatur (december 3, 2011)
The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
The Clerical Society of the Most Holy Trinity of Mirinae
○ Address: 21, Misan-1 gil, Yangseong-myeon,
Anseong city, Gyeonggi-do 17500 SOUTH KOREA
○ Tel. +82-31-674-1251 Fax. +82-31-674-1258
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Rev. Stefano Lee Gwan bai, S.S.T.M. Superior General